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Boil-Off Gas Compressor

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Boil-Off Gas Compressor

SIAD Mi’s BOG Compressors: A Proven Track Record

Our BOG compressors are oil-free, reciprocating compressors, designed for the compression of the so-called "Boil-Off Gas (BOG)" which evaporates from liquefied methane (LNG) storage with extremely low gas temperatures, down to -170 ° C.

We have a proven track record in this sector, with numerous of BOG compressors installed worldwide and all together totaling over a couple of millions working hours to date.

SIAD Macchine Impianti at the service of green Industry

Flexible, efficient, and high performance they contribute to the ecological transition. By allowing the recovery of evaporated methane, they reduce waste and the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Digital Design - Digital Twin

A thermodynamic simulation software, combined with the SIAD Mi’s technicians’ and engineers’ proven track record allows the investigation and the study - on the digital twin model - of thermodynamic phenomena, even transient ones, occurring during the compressor operation, enabling the analysis and selection of the most appropriate materials from the point of view of operation and cost optimization.

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