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- SIAD Macchine Impianti
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- Kомпрессоры ПЭТ
Безмасляные поршневые воздушные компрессоры для выдувания бутылок из вторичный ПЭТ и ПЛА
Безмасляные поршневые воздушные компрессоры для выдувания бутылок из вторичный ПЭТ и ПЛА

Контакты - siadmi_PET@siad.eu
Link to VITO Next: green light to sustainability
Link Global Service PET
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Oil-free piston air compressors for blow molding rPET and PLA bottles
VITO NEXT: the “smart” compressor for blow molding rPET and PLA bottles
SIAD Macchine Impianti (SIAD MI) has been active since 1980 in the PET compressor sector. In 2014, the company introduced the "VITO" range, the first compressor specifically designed for the requirements of the rPET and PLA sector. Since its launch, the VITO (acronym for Value, Innovation, Technology and Optimization) established the beginning of a "new era" in the world of air compression for blow molding machines and today SIAD MI can boast an achievement of installing over 6,000 compressors on all continents of the world.
SIAD MI has continued the evolution of the VITO range by offering its customers a premium solution, VITO Next, that delivers the best performance available on the market for high and medium pressure oil-free air compression in terms of performance and reliability. VITO Next was designed to be efficient, sustainable and connected thanks to SIADMI4U.
The best Total Cost of Ownership available on the market
In order to meet all customer requirements, the VITO range is flanked by the TEMPO2 line and by the Screw + Booster piston compressor line, the BS Line.
Range of oil-free* air compressors for blow molding PET, rPet and PLA bottles | ||||
Technical data | High Pressure (Metric Units) | Low Pressure (Metric Units) | High Pressure (Imperial Units) | Low Pressure (Imperial Units) |
Compression stages | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 |
Maximum suction volume | 6 000 m3/h | 2 100 m3/h | 210,000 scfh | 73,800 scfh |
Maximum power | 900 kW | 220 kW | 1,220 HP | 230 HP |
Maximum delivery pressure | 42 bar (a) | 16 bar (a) | 609 psi | 232 psi |
Cylinder configuration | Vertical, V, W, Horizontal | Vertical | Vertical, V, W, Horizontal | Vertical |
* Completely oil-free (“class 0” ISO 8573) dry air supply
The complete supply of a compression line includes: air treatment skid, compressor skid, control panel, cooling system and outlet filtering unit. It is also possible to order specific components from this list.
SIAD Macchine Impianti I has been operating in the food and beverage industry for many years and is fully conversant with all regulatory requirements for preventing contamination from oils and toxic substances. It has thus succeeded in developing compressors with standard features capable of supplying oil-free high and medium pressure air for the blow molding of PET, rPET and PLA bottles and containers, which are also used in the following sectors: Cosmetic, Chemical and Pharmaceutical.
The technical details that make the difference
- Connectivity
Designed for the connection to remote monitoring systems - Increased Robustness
Improved piping fixing
Improved transmission unit protection - Reduction Of Energy Consumption
Cylinder fluid-dynamics optimization
Increase in heat exchange efficiency - Greater Efficiency
Improved condensate separation efficiency
Optimized cooling water distribution - Extended Lifetime
Increased protection of cylinders against corrosion
Optimal balance of the moving masses - New Options
Filter-silencer unit for restricted noise limit environments
No-vibrations skid for elevated floor installations
Energy saving: here are our options
- VSD (Variable Speed Drive)
With an inverter drive, which regulates the frequency of the electric power supply, the compressor motor operates at variable speeds.
- 0-50-100%: Step regulation of the flow rate
If the request for compressed air decreases, the 0-50-100% device works by excluding the upper effect of the first stage cylinder, by means of pneumatic valve unloaders, and therefore obtains a flow rate equal to 50% of the nominal value.
- Energy Saving Pack
It is essential to know in detail the actual use of the compressors in order to study and define the most efficient working method for the system. For this purpose, SIAD Macchine Impianti (SIAD MI) offers the "Energy Saving Pack" which involves an analysis of the operation of the air compressors at the customers' premises, with a detailed analysis of the energy consumption : this is then followed by a specific proposal for the installation of a control panel, or of a control panel plus a VSD. The main control panel manages up to 8 compressors simultaneously. The panel constantly calculates the total compressed air flow rate and the consumption of the electricity and therefore enables it in real time to adapt the compressors’ performance to the required changes.
• Energy saving and flexibility with respect to different volumes of bottles in production
• Increased air flow rate with the same energy consumption
• Easy system management
• Greater reliability– less wear thanks to less "idle" operation
• Less maintenance - reduction of production costs
• Guaranteed optimum use of all the compressors installed.
• VSD investment with quick pay-back time.
- Compressed air recovery
This system allows the recovery of compressed air from the blow molder, with a consequent reduction in energy consumption for compression. For its customers, SIAD MI handles both the feasibility analysis and the implementation of this solution, which can be easily applied to compressors already installed.
Heat Recovery with VITO Next
The Heat Recovery System (HRS) of the VITO Next is the ideal option for those seeking superior energy efficiency and sustainability. It recovers up to 75/80°C of the heat energy generated by the compressor and transforms that heat into useful resources for your system, such as space heating or industrial applications. With its compact design and quick installation, the HRS reduces energy costs without altering the size of the skid or the compressor performance.
- Recovery of up to 50% of thermal energy
- Hot water supplied up to 75/80°C..
- Reduction of heating costs
- Increased energy efficiency
- Simple installation thanks to the dedicated kit
- Environmental sustainability.
- Room heating
- Auxiliary uses
- Production processes.
For information
SIAD Macchine Impianti offers a wide range of solutions for oil-free compressed air which satisfy all the needs of its customers with products and services that meet their specific requirements. If you are interested in receiving an offer for PET compressors, please send an email to: siadmi_compr@siad.eu